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    Five Days & Fiveknights [open]


    Village : N/A
    Rank : Genin
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    Posts : 4

    Five Days & Fiveknights [open] Empty Five Days & Fiveknights [open]

    Post by Freddy Thu Mar 26, 2015 9:14 am

    Five Days & Fiveknights [open] Bfg7d3

    The moon hung high in the sky, just as any day did. He sat in his chair beside the window, looking down at the abandoned buildings and the shantytowns. It used to be a decent place to live... used to. Since the nuclear reactors shut down and leaked, it was as if all of the world had gone brainless. Well, he was half right, considering the world was full of zombies.

    "God I hate this place." he would say yet again. He wore his waiter's outfit for the twenty-second time. It wasn't that he didn't change clothes, he did. The only problem was, that he wanted to feel normal.

    He got up from his chair, to do his routine peek. He would walk out of his room and into his lounge. He would place his hand on the doorknob. "Just a peek..." he would think. He would have to leave his home sooner or later. But leaving behind his cosplays was not in his ideal plan.

    He was just on the second floor of his apartment that just happened to be set on top of the small hill. But he was running low on food. He needed food.

      Current date/time is Sun Jun 02, 2024 11:46 am